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End of Days Bolognese

from Nat's What I Reckon


  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 150-200g (5-7 ounces) of pancetta (or bacon)
  • 500g ground beef (about a pound)
  • 500g ground pork (about a pound)
  • 300g tomato paste (a bit more than a cup)
  • 1-2 cups chicken stock
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1-2 glasses wine (red or white)
  • Butter
  • Oil
  • Bay Leaves
  • Fresh rosemary, thyme, or other savory herb
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


Preheat oven to: Stovetop (large pot!)

Dice the onion, dice the carrot, and dice the celery. Put it all in a bowl.

Dice the pancetta (or bacon) and put it in the same bowl.

Put a large (like, pasta-sized) pot on the cooketop, put on to medium hot./p>

Add a tablespoon of butter, and a tablespoon of oil.

When the butter is melted, put the chopped stuff in ... keep it hot, and cook until it starts to brown

Add the ground pork and beef. You want to break this up with a whisk and keep cooking until the the water is gone (it may stick a little but we'll deglaze in a later step).

Add the rosemary or sage at this step ... we'll fish the sticks out later, so just drop the whole thing in.

Add the wine and keep cooking intil the liquid boils off. You don't want to add stock while the wine is still liquid.

Add the tomato paste. Mix it in, and then add the milk.

Add the stock and season with salt and pepper.

Add the bay leaves, reduce heat, cover and cook for a while. At least 45 minutes.

Serve with pasta, grated cheese, and maybe some chopped parsley..

My Notes

The video is fun to watch and is the best guide to prep.
